Just click one of the links below (If prompted, choose “Open”) to launch the stream! There is no registration or logging in required! All you have to be able to do is play streaming .mp3. (Most media players can.) If you can’t do this, or are unsure, just install Winamp. NOTE: The broadband stream is located on a different server as the mid and narrowband streams, so if one is not working try the other.
Broadband 64k Stream
Choose your player type, or just enter http://s2.voscast.com:7392 into your media player for our broadband stream.:
Don’t have enough bandwidth for the broadband stream? Try our mid-bandwidth 32k stream for a more pleasant listening experience than the dialup stream. Choose your player type or just enter http://streams.lrn.fm:8004/lrn32 into your media player:
Don’t have enough bandwidth for the broadband or mid streams? Try our narrowband 16k stream. Choose your player type or just enter http://streams.lrn.fm:8004/lrn16 into your media player: